There is lots of good information and a ton of work to do!
We are the Sandy Utah Crescent Stake. This site will document our preparations and planning culminating with our Trek in June, 2010. It will provide a place to share stories of physical hardship and stories of spiritual growth. The stories will mix voices from the past with present day accounts. The storytellers will include both the leaders and the youth. In the end, this will be our story. It will be our heritage and it will shape our character.
President Back has confirmed that our 2010 Trek Theme will be…
“Their Journey, My Journey."
This theme got the most votes tonight, and the most from the email I sent out a few days ago.
I haven’t told anyone this because I didn’t want to influence the voting, but this past Thursday I shut the door in my office and kneeled down to ask the Lord for his ideas on our Trek theme. I had another favorite in mind and we already had a long list, but I wanted to see what the spirit would tell me should be on the short list I was about to email to all of you. “Their Journey, My Journey” popped into my head almost immediately after my prayer. I looked through our lists to see if someone else had mentioned it, but didn’t find it. It very well could have been suggested to me by someone else over the past few weeks or months- I just don’t recall. But, nonetheless, I do know that the spirit gave it to me on that day. I was anxious to see if the voting would pull it through.
I haven’t had a lot of time to ponder this theme, but I do have a few thoughts. I have always been inspired by the strength of our pioneer ancestors. Learning about them gives me a better perspective about who I am and what my role is. We have a number of church hymns that are difficult to sing without feeling strong, emotional respect for them. In many ways, today’s youth have a harder trail to conquer. They are the Lord’s elect that have been saved for the last days, but Satan has more tools and partners than ever before. Faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ, got our ancestors over that trail in the worst of circumstances- their testimony of Christ and the restored gospel was fit for the trial they had to endure- fit for their journey. Each of our youth will need such a testimony and faith to successfully navigate their own journey. I hope this Trek helps them to find their inner strength and builds their testimony in preparation for their life journey. I hope they are inspired by the rich legacy and pioneer spirit of their ancestors. I hope they learn that no trial is too big, no journey too tough with our Lord and Savior by their side.
We also got a high number of votes for “Walk as a Witness.” I really like this idea too and hope we are able to use it. I’m sure there will be ways to use it without competing as a theme.
Thank you for your participation in this selection process. I am excited to see your ideas on how to incorporate it into our Trek.